3 Reasons to grow talent you have into leaders you need
Nov 18, 2020

​Finding competent and inspiring leaders is a considerable challenge for organizations. Yet it doesn’t have to be—so long as you treat sourcing candidates who possess the right combination of leadership qualities, technical knowledge, and business acumen as an ongoing in-house process.

Reasons to develop in-house talent

Of course, it requires a substantial amount of resources and time to identify high-potential employees, determine how to develop them, and provide them with the training and guidance they need. Yet there are three very good reasons to do so:

  1. It helps increase employee performance: By providing employees with the guidance and opportunities they need to grow their skills, you’ll also help them perform better. For the employees in question, realizing just how much they’re capable of can be confidence-building and lead to a steady increase in performance.

  2. It boosts engagement: Employees want their employers to offer them opportunities to grow their skills—especially now, with technology transforming both the workplace and business models. If you provide them with interesting assignments, as well as challenges that clearly contribute to the organization’s objectives, they’ll be more engaged in their work.

  3. It improves retention rates: High-potential employees whose employers don’t provide clear career paths and training eventually jump ship. In contrast, by investing in your people and showing how they can advance within the organization, you’ll show them there’s room for career growth. That in turn makes them feel valued and at the same time improves retention, as Harvard Business Reviewpoints out.

In short, by developing promising employees, you can build a reliable pipeline of leadership talent.

14 Aug, 2023
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10 Aug, 2023
You’ve seen these guys before when a circus came to your city or maybe on TV. They walk on a wire at an impressive height, sometimes without insurance, sometimes with a long stick that probes the void right and left. They walk slowly, trying the wire with their toes first, making small steps, their eyes fixed on the small platform where they plan to land soon. They never watch down. They don’t listen to an audience that applauses or gasps in awe. They are concentrated on keeping their balance. To keep balance. Let’s come down from the wire above the arena or stage. Let’s look closer at balance, where it has its roots and the secrets of keeping it. Is it an art? Or is it a skill? Can you learn to keep balance? Or is it an innate skill that only gymnasts, figure skaters, circus artists and ballet dancers are born with? Want to know the secrets of a ballerina that must perform 32 fouettes, a complex ballet movement that requires turning 360 degrees at a high-speed standing on the point of a ballet shoe? First, keeping balance is a skill people must learn for years. In ballet, sport, circus, real life, and… work life. A ballerina is taught to pick one point and to fix her eyes on it when she makes her 32 fouettes, a complex ballet movement that requires turning 360 degrees at high-speed standing on the point of a ballet shoe. She focuses on one thing that keeps her upright. She doesn’t look anywhere else. Gymnasts in some disciplines are constantly trained to feel the bar under their feet. They are prepared to land precisely on the bar after they jump, and the incredible contortions we admire in competitions. But let’s come back to the circus artists we have begun with. Often, they have a long stick in their hands to keep their balance. Is their secret hidden in the stick? And what is the secret? You don’t need to be a ballet dancer, a gymnast, or a circus artist to get the idea of balance. Here are your first two steps in your balance training: 1. Keep your main priorities in mind. And have a clear idea about what is very important for you and where you are ready to compromise. But don’t listen to external opinions that don’t align with your ideals. Forget about the audience’s applause – focus on you. 2. Use some help to stay upright and get to your goals. Imagine your life split on two ends of the helping stick, your job is on one end, and your private life is on another. How comfortable do you feel at your height now with the load on both ends? You need support. We at Kelly pay a lot of attention to balance. The balance between people’s private lives and their jobs. The balance between feeling appreciated and professional goals or between achieving extraordinary results and being inspired. Talk to Kelly today. We are not ballet coaches or sports trainers, but we know much about how important work/life balance is in our lives.
03 Aug, 2023
We often associate certain qualities with individuals who seem to possess a natural talent for creativity. We convince ourselves that painting, singing, or dancing are pursuits reserved for these "real" artists while we remain mere spectators. Creativity? Inspiration? No, it's not about me.
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